Truth Under Tension
Truth Under Tension
Cm# F#
Truth under tension
Self apprehension
Would I dissolve into a puddle from walking down the street?
C#m F#
Truth under tension
a fractal condition from the stars down to your feet
Key of Cm (Dorian)
Each first a gets a bigger "Truth" sung on it. So the form
of the song is an expanding truth
1 - sing normal
2 - sing in harmony
3 - "truth" in 2 syllables i.e. troo-uth*
4 - same as 3 with light horns*
5 - same as 3 with med horns and higher harmony*
6 - same as 3 with high horns and 3rd singer (female)*
7 - altogether once more to peak*
-- drop into jam over chords progression Type I
* melodies of horns, guitar etc. carry through first 'a' through the other 'a' and then 'b'